A Quaint Poem
For some reason I got to thinking about "first times". My wife is out of town, so I was just thinking about her. First dates, "first time" together, first kiss, first fight ... you get the picture. Well, my wife is also an English teacher. So I got to thinking about teenagers' first times.
So for some reason in my twisted mind, this is what I came up with.. no more preamble.
It was my first time, there was such elation,
Oh, damn, pre-mature-ejac-u-lation.
The shame, the embarrassment, oh the distress,
Not to mention, the warm sticky mess.
My cheeks were hot and burning,
My partner left unsated and yearning.
This was my first time, it was only just a fling,
But at least everyone knows that I'm a sure thing.
I'm sure this will get all over the school,
There goes my chance to ever be cool.
Again, you can blame Brandy for this one too.