Sunday, June 12, 2005

The "Can't-Get-It-Up-Blues"

As a follow-up to my premature ejaculation poem, I thought I would follow it up with this poem/post about erectile dysfunction. Now, those of you new to my blog, or those of you who know me, may wonder about these poems. Let me clear up any misconceptions, I neither suffer, nor have I ever suffered from either of these problems. I do however get tons of spam about the cures for both of those problems, and well, my sense of humor, and my imagination does the rest.

Temperatures were rising, hormones were raging,
My heart was pulsing, I had set all the staging,
Some soft music, the right lighting,
Our passions were definitely igniting,
The date was hot, the night was fine,
Things were steaming up, now was the time,
The yearning was there,
We had both stripped bare,
No amount of soft stroking, pulling, gentle teasing or kissing,
Could make my manhood understand what it would be missing,
If it didn't stand up, and straighten out,
It was gonna be hard to finish making out,
I would like to say the night ended with a bang,
But I scored zip, zero, nada; not one single thang,
Viagra, Cialis, who would have thought,
That would be what wasn't brought,
I feel so ashamed, and know she will remember,
Me as the guy, with the limp-noodle-member.


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